Assignment One: Personal Narrative

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Song by Joe Kennsinger

I was walking to the train from B.C High School, and I was listing to this song Animal by the Neon Trees. After reaching the footbridge I had gotten a txt message from my girlfriend Haley. The txt said, “Do you think this is working out”? I did not know what to say. So I said, “I don’t know. Do you think this is working out”? She said “No. Bye.” After what had just happened I had become aggravated and a little depressed. Then I entered Shaw’s to get a drink before I went on the train. When I got my drink and I was going to pay I had noticed that I had left my wallet inside my locker at school. At this point I said to myself “Can this day get any worse?” After returning my drink and leaving Shaw’s I continued to walk forth to the train station. When I had reached the train station I ignored all of my friends and walked to the very end of the platform. My friend Eamon walked up to me and said, “Hey Joe, is anything wrong?” I just ignored Eamon and soon enough he walked away. The train pulled into the station and I walked on it. It was an unusual day on the train because all of the seats were packed with people. Then all of a sudden the Conductor made an announcement on the intercom on the train. He said, “B.C students please find the nearest open seat and sit down.” I was scrambling to find a seat that wasn’t next to someone who looked creepy, but the Conductor was walking by, so I had to take the closest available seat I could find. When I sat in the seat I had noticed that the person next to me was sleeping. I took this as an opportunity to do my homework. I opened up my backpack and began to do my homework. Right after I wrote my name at the top of the paper, then his phone began to go off. His ringtone was very distracting so I could not focus on doing my homework, so I had stopped and started to play games on my iPod. After I got off at my stop I went home and took a shower, did my homework, searched for new songs to listen to, and then went to bed.


  1. it was intersting but I think that there wasent enough deatail for me to understand what the song part of it was.

    ~will h

  2. I hope you have recovered Joe, girls like that are ichy!
    -Tuck da 5'9"

  3. Aww poor joe! Next time reply to Eamon

  4. That is weird that when you listened to that song bad things happened.

    dePaul Miller

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  6. Ohh roflcoper goes lol lol lol I remember quady but thought that was in 6th grade?
