Assignment One: Personal Narrative

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday Morning Blues by Eddie Merrigan

​The annoying sound of my alarm clock yells at me to wake up; my groggy eyes peer open and I dread the upcoming week. Slowly, I crawl out of bed, trying as hard as I can to keep my eyes open. I shlep into the bathroom, as slow as a turtle. With my eyes half open, I squeeze out some toothpaste, and brush my teeth. I’m usually not in the greatest of moods on Monday morning either. I am about as grumpy as a crab. I rinse off my toothbrush, turn around, and turn on the shower. As I stand there waiting for the shower to warm up, I feel like I have just taken a whole bottle of Tylenol pm. I reach my shivering arm into the shower to check the temperature. If it is hot, I step in. The warm water brings a burst of energy through me, and I feel officially woken up. I stand motionless, while hot water comforts me on a cold morning. I usually take about a ten minute shower, cut short by my brother yelling, “You’re taking all the hot water!”
“Sorry,” I respond, twisting the notch of the shower to off as I speak.
After I wrap a towel around myself, I stroll back to my room. I then scurry through my drawers to find my school uniform. Once I get all my suff together, I sit down on my bed and get dressed. As I buckle up my belt I hear my mom call, “Eddie, Dads here!”
“Coming,” I yell back, as my mind begins to scramble.
I grab my backpack, and race downstairs, hoping we will not miss the train. Before I go out to my dad’s car, I whisper, “Oh shoot! I forgot my wallet!”
Again, I frantically rush up the stairs, and head towards my room. My eyes quickly explore my whole room, panicing to find my wallet. I cannot see my dad’s car but I can picture the exact expressions on his and my brother’s faces: annoyance and exasperation. My older brother and I get annoyed with eachother very often for little things like being late, taking too long of a shower, etc. Most of our big arguments start by something small and meaningless like that. If we catch eachother in take the wrong moods, it can make for a miserable morning. We will begin to get mad at eachother for the smallest things that aren’t important, just for the purpose of one-upping eachother or getting the edge. It usually balances out on a Monday morning. I will oversleep, making him mad, and then he will take all the hot water, making me mad at him too. The grumpiness that natrually occurs on a Monday morning causes us to get mad at eachother for things that wouldn’t even be acknowledged on any other day, which is good, because our arguments on Monday mornings don’t really last long and slip away easily.  
“What is he doing?” My dad probably says to my brother who is a much better morning person than I am.
“He is so damn slow!” My brother most likely replies.
When I finally reach the car, my brother shoots me a look of annoyance. I roll my eyes and strap in my seatbelt as my week has officially begun.


  1. great dialogue and similies/metaphors

    ~will h

  2. Grumpy as a crab.

  3. This is the best essay I've ever read!! Nice job Eddie!!!
